My space!
You can see how it looked back in 2008, when I last updated the scrapspace here!
Then we had the small bedroom as scrap/hobby/computer room, and slept in the masterbedroom.
The big bedroom is big enough for two kingsize beds, so a lot of space we didnt use!
We spent an entire weekend re-organizing and trips to IKEA, but it was well worth the wait!

We got new desks that match so we can sit faceing eachother and talk while scraping/being nerdy!
(D likes to paint warhammer armies, wich he and my brother plays with)

My big shelf thats a cheaper copy of the IKEA Expedit. I got it for a real bargin!!
On top of it I have finished projects.
Top row from the right :
*things related to alter/bia
*tim holtz stuff/prima flowers/rubons
*cuttlebug/finished cards/alphabets and other dies
*favourite papers in shelves my mom made me, and D put them in
*misc stuff like stickers, chipboard, tickets etc
*flowers and buttons in small glas jars sorted by colour
*maps for bills and important papers
*shelves with cardstock
*maps for patterned paper, sorted in categories
furtest down:
* D's stuff (yes, wooow! he got one box all to himsel! *lol*)
* misc items, DT stuff
* beads and stuff for my jewelry making
* mounted stamps and other large stamps

stamps flowers and buttons

My computer is to the right, and the IKEA storage thing I have all my mulberry flowers, miniroses and some misc stuff
A small tote with all my "need-to-reach-asap" tools
An old blue aschtray with beads and stuff that I havn't sorted into their boxes yet.

next to my computer under the desk I have four GLIS containers with brads/bling/ribbons/lace easy to just pull out and rumage through.. But I need to sort them out soon, coz they're overflowing!
On the other side of the desk I have a drawer with photos/punches/colouring stuff, like crackle paint, promarkers, distress refills etc..

Warhammer and warhammer!! This is also my brothers stuff that he somehow has ended up storing at our place!
In the big counter we have all sorts of things, it can contain sooo much stuff! On the florr is my broken sweing machine and the old one I got from my parents in-law! ♥ Need to fins a good spot for it!
The view from my place, D fiddling with his computer and the big game-table in the background!
I have to much stuff!! I so need to purge!
Thanks for stopping by! And welcome to visit me and my space irl! :)
Crop stuff!! hosted a crop some weeks ago!
Lots of fun challenges!!
Here is the lot I made;
Altered easter egg
Easter card
(and no, the easter crop actually starts now.. but I was a bit ahead with my easterplanning.. :) )
I stole this beautiful picture of Tettiz at KOMA, and the bingo challenge was perfect for it!
The voting was tight at the end! I think I finally came second, and lost to.. yes, Tettiz!! ♥
Sketch challenge! And Tettiz, had made the sketch! Shes just so talented!
This one I did win!! tjoooohoooo!!
And then there was the "White" challenge.. to scrap in white only.. you could add ONE colour and only a little bit of it.. I went totaly overboard with the "little" and got disqualified :D but Im happy anyway! I love how it turned out!
Emmas dear daughter! Cute cute cute!
go team Swedehearts!!!
The greeting farm is hosting a Battle Challenge!
Every team will pick one member to do a challenge over five weeks and the lucky winner team gets a fab set of stamps!!
Team Swedehearts is:
me! :P
The first challenge was a retrochallenge and to be inspired by these colours:

Anna jumped right on it, and did this amaaaaaazingly cool card!

So jump in here and vote for us!! All you have to do to vote is to leave a comment for us!
And my heart is with the two guys below.. ♥
This weeks sketch from creative scrappers intimidated me at first..
I love circles! But the sketch wasn't really my style, but after a bit thinking outside (or inside?) the box I made it my own!
One thing I love about sketches that you can be inspired and then run freely!! And the sketch-making girls at CS are awsome in challenging me and start my creativity! ♥

My interpretation:

My altime fav photo! And I've scrapped it before, but I can scrap this one over and over!
Webester pages papers, pearlmaker, melissa frances rubon, thickers, flowers from wildorchidcrafts

Thanks for stopping by!
My bronze thing got cancelled but I enyojed all saturday in the sun!! I even burned my cheeks and nose a bit! Freckles here I come!
Sunday we spent at Yngves waiting for the snow to stop so we could drive back to Falun!
Eat to much good thai food and watched movies and talked cameras.. I really really want to get a good camera and Yngve is the guy to talk too! Im not much wiser atm.. but Im getting there! :)
Im going to make him teach me everything when I finally make up my mind and buy one!
Sooo anyway, I love all his photos, and I secretly made a portfolio for him with a few of the shots I've managed to steal from him :P
I only scrapped the first page with my photos of him, and let his photos speak for themself in the actuall portfolio.
I made this at KOMA too, for a image-inspiration challenge. And now when he's got his present I can show you too!


One big piece of black corrugated cardboard from inkido, some websterpages scraps and letters, and the big alfa is from prima as is the vine.
Whats really vintage and not in the scrapbookworld is debated, and Im nut really sure..
But I think this gives it a vintage-vibe atleast! :)
Last weeks sketch at Creative scrappers #94 was made by Kristine herself!
Love her sketches!! And we're getting closer and closer to #100!!! Big celebration being planned don't miss it!!

So heres my take:

Its my grandmother Viola (my dads mom) on her wedding day with her sister Ingrid.
I've photografed the old photo from an album, and its not me that cut poor Ingrids head, its the orgininal photographer! :)
I have enherited not only my grandmothers name, but also her figure.. Shes a little bit shorter, but still a tall woman, and the dresses and jackets that were sewed up for her in her 20ies fitted me perfectly when I was the same age! But I have my mothers face and voice! Love seeing where those bits and pieces of me come from!

Corrugated cardborad from Inkido, papers from graphic 45, bling and flowers from prima, more flowers from wildorchidcrafts, and the lace is actually an old collar that my grandmother has made!
Love using old lace she has made in my scrapbooking, its gives a certain feel.. hard to explain!
Thanks for dropping by!
KOMA part 3
So let's get down to business!
For the bingo-challenge I chose the row: flowers and leafs-bling-corrugated cardboard-no patterned paper
NO PATTERNED PAPER!!? I must have been nuts..
But hey, it turned out ok.. well it turned out great!! This is my most favourite LO I've made for a while now! :)
Screw Jante!! (hes a swedish saying that says you cant feel good about yourself! )

Wanna play fetch?

jenni bowlin mini alfa, thickers, pearlmaker, corrugated cardboard both from inkido and from an old wrapping, crackle paint, some tim holtz metall and stamp, flowers from prima and wildorchidcrafts, quickutz lamp post
This is a double slider folder thingy.. and even though I got to watch darling Knin/Anna make one first I needed a lot fo help getting it right!! (the hangover didn't help I guess.....)

I like you...
and when you pull the string two cards pop out:

.. like monster much! Hugs!
october afternoon papers etc!
My inspiration was working kinda low there on sunday... wounder why!? :P
So I got dear Tettiz to challenge me! She said I only got 30 mins to make a LO!
AAAAAAAAH! Panic!!!!!! She was kind enough to let me pick out some papers and the photo first..
and away I went..
I didnt make it!! When the time was up I didnt have a title, any text or any decos, just the papers!
But I got started, so I was thankfull for that!

We went to see Eddie Izzard before christmas, and I laughed so hard I couldnt breathe! please please come back to sweden!!!
grahic 45 papers and the usuall bits and pieces of embellies!!
I did make another LO.. but its a surprise for someone, so I wont show it for a week or two more!
Thanks again to all envolved for a GREAT crop! ♥
copy and steal..
Jag undrar just om Maja Design betalat något till boråstapeter? :P
men jag är rätt glad ändå, det är nämligen en av mina favvistapeter..
I wounder if Maja Design (swedish scrapbookpaper designer) has paid any royalties to the manufacturer of wallpaper, Boråstapeter?)

kopian i pappersform:

Inspirationen känns ju rätt tydligt iaf! :D
KOMA part 2
There's more.. but I can atleast show you 2 more atm!
This was made after a sketch by Virra! (thanks agnelia!!)
Anyway, its my brother and my darling deep in conversation, they get a long so well, and that makes me happy ofcourse.. But sometimes they get a long to well and I feel a bit left behind *LOL*

A little less conversation, a little more action please
[insert Dolph moan at the end for right feeling]

Webster pages papers, tattered angels glimmer mist, letters from prima, october afternoon and jenni bowlin,
flowers from prima and wildorchidcrafts
This sketch was from Zarah, and the challenge was sponsored by the Nook!
Argos at lake Stångtjärn looking a bit like the loch ness monster! :)


Papers from october afternoon, grungeboard + crackle paint, flowers from wildorchidcrafts and prima
Well, the sun is shining! Better take the dog out and play some!
Have a great weekend!
KOMA 2010
KOMA stands for KOlbäcks pyssel MAraton (KOlbäcks craft MAraton) and is a weekend of pure heaven!
34 girls in different ages meet in Kolbäck to crop with paper, beads, sewing etc.
It started on friday at ended at sunday afternoon, most people (myself included) sleep at the same place as the crop, some goes home over night.
We have our own very talented chef, how about fresh baked bread for every meal?! He makes so good food its incredible!! And this year we were also offered massages from a trained proffesionall!
Do I need to say how popular this event is? I will be returning year after year!
But the best part is the people! I've met so many talented and kind girls there! And I miss them so already!
Can't wait until the next KOMA!!
This is one of the LOs I made during the weekend.. it was made after a glas or two of vine, and I kinda just went with the flow.. :) The picture is me beeing goofy after a few drinks, so the occasion was very timed to scrap it :)
The fun part was that I acctually won one of the challenges with this! Yaaay! Thanks girls!

dare to be you, dare to be great, dare to be crazy!

fanfreluches papers, tim holtz stamps, prima and wildorchidcrafts flowers, prima and jenny bowlin alfa
doily lace punch and butterfly punch from martha stewart (thanks Malin for the loan!)
That was it for now! I tried to take pictures of the other layouts too, but it got to dark!
I will show you more later!
time to
My handsome little brother again with the graphic 45 perfect gentleman paperline!
Love these papers!!

The picture is from one of his many and longed for visits here in Falun, you can see the coppermine in the background! Its pretty cool, and going down in it is a very interesting excursion! I can recommend it!

Pink paislee glitter letters, some flowers from prima and wildorchidcrafts, some tim holtz metall and some bling!
The lamp post is a quickutz die.
Tomorrow Im of for a big crop! Im so looking forward to it! An entire weekend of fun, scarpbooking, good food (yes we actually have a chef cooking for us) and massage (yes!! that too!) it will be HEAVEN!!
ooooh, I want to win!!!
And I would just sit for hours patting it.. *sigh*
Heres how to win:
That's Right! Prima is giving away two more AMAZING prize packages in conjunction with our BIG SECRET!
We want EVERYONE to have a chance to win so we are changing the rules a bit.
- Please copy this write-up and link us on your blog, Facebook, or any other site that you frequent (please follow their TOU).
- Then post here with a link to your blog, Facebook or site post for your chance to win BIG with Prima!
- One US and one International winner will be chosen on Thursday, March 4th, 2010.