Yay me!
I won the Sparkle challegne over at Tiddly inks!!! Wooohoooo!!!
I so much love Tiddly inks! I think I'd give one of my arms to join that crazy talented team.. or wait!
I might need that arm... so a leg? ok? :D

Well jump over there now and join their next challenge - Fabric Fun!!
Postat av: Zarah
Inget konstigt att du vann, det är ju universums sötaste blomsterkort du gjort!
...men GRATTIS ändå! :D
Postat av: Melissa
Emmy - this is SO beautiful I love it. I'm the DT leader for Tiddly Inks and I'd love to talk to you. Could you send me an email please. I provided it to above! I don't see yours anywhere and I'd like to chat!