Nytt uppdrag!

Woohoo! Jag har fått ett nytt DT-uppdrag hos underbara Emma på Scraplagret!!
En butik som jag redan gillar supermkt med roliga saker, toksnabb leverens och superduktigt DT, så det känns som en stor ära!!

Jag har precis fått mitt första DT-kit som jag nästan har dregglat sönder redan, och kommer såklart visa vad jag hittar på efter hand!!

Här kommer ni till min presentation på scraplagrets blogg!


Å så har jag ju fått en sån tjusig egen logga!!!


Woohoo!! I got a new designassignement with the lovely webstore Scraplagret! Im so happy to start there!


Finaly vacation!!
So i will probably be even more absent here. But Im bringing some scrapsupplies with me..
So you never know.. :)

I found this really cool sketch at Skissedilla that I just HAD to do!


And for my interpretation I picked some of the many many photos I took of the lovely Zarah!
She is a true beauty!

Fine, wounderfull, sweet Zarah! But in swedish it rimes! :P

Most of the materials are from the Nooks june kit with MME so sophie.
Added some of the flowers and the fabric gorgousness is from a prima add-on to the kit!


Summer is definatly here! And I only have two more days of work!! Yaaaay!

Heres a very summery LO, its Zarah feeding one of the many many cute white cows outside Mönsterås.

Inkido wellpapp as background, patterned papetr from Maja Design and Melissa Frances.
Prima and wildorchidcrafts flowers. Lace from a supersweet fabric shop in Mönsterås, Maya Road envelope.


Me and Argos cuddeling in the sofa!
Lo made for Magdas scrapfever ages ago! :)

Darn its hot outside this weekend!
And I've spent it shopping and cleaning out my closet..
I think I threw out 10 pair of fully functional jeans for example!
I gathered about 6-7 big bags of clothes thats to small/ to big/ ugly or just wore out, sorted it and folded it and will give it away to some charity. But I still have one big closet to go through.. and all my shoes!
So it will soon be more!

One week left of work, then its vacation time for 4 weeks! Jabadaba-doooo!

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