Lake Stångtjärn
ooh, I love this kit!
It looks hard to work with at first.. since Im not that big fan of bright colors..
But they just fit so well with eachother! Lovely!

First time in a loooong time I havn't done piles of flower.. Now they're more scattered, but I wanted the feel of something diagonal to the rest that is so square. Yada yada!!

Hope you all had a wounderful Valentines day! I did!!!
A lot of snuggeling and spending time in the sofa watching movies and eating chocolate!
Just the way its supposed to be!
It looks hard to work with at first.. since Im not that big fan of bright colors..
But they just fit so well with eachother! Lovely!

First time in a loooong time I havn't done piles of flower.. Now they're more scattered, but I wanted the feel of something diagonal to the rest that is so square. Yada yada!!

Hope you all had a wounderful Valentines day! I did!!!
A lot of snuggeling and spending time in the sofa watching movies and eating chocolate!
Just the way its supposed to be!
Postat av: Zarah
(Och haha - jag plockade också fram de gula thickerserna till mina LOs - de kom aldrig med, men de låg bredvid och såg snygga ut. ler)